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Little Parliament

In February each year, JYP host the ‘Little Parliament’. The event aims to provide a platform for Year 6 students to discuss issues affecting young people and suggest changes they would like to see on the island. Schools are asked to have discussions around three questions:

  • What issues are affecting young people in year 6?
  • What things would you like to change in Jersey?
  • What would you like the adults making decisions to prioritise?

Two representatives from each school attend the event to share ideas and the young people vote on what three topics they would like to focus on in the afternoon. Following on from the event a video and report is created to share with the States Assembly and Government officials what the year six students think are priorities.

We run weekly ‘Little Parliament’ sessions on a Tuesday evening (4:00-6:00) at St James Centre for anyone in year 6 or 7, get in touch for more information.

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